Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume 7 | Issue 2

Classroom Conflicts and Effective Resolution Strategies

Shazia Mansoori


Conflicts are indispensable part of life of every individual in this world. Whether it is related to oneself or involving other people, conflicts occur on a daily basis. We cannot think of a world free from conflicts. Conflicts do not always create disputes but can also prove beneficial for the conflicting parties to grow in positive manner. In classrooms, we usually encounter conflicts of various kinds, be it intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup. The key factor is to analyse the conflicts systematically, beginning from the root causes to the main problem and finally to effects which arise as a result of these conflicts. There are innumerous causes and factors which may conflicts in the learning environment. The analysis of any kind of conflict requires resolution strategies which most appropriately deal with the conflicting situation. The resloution strategies in this paper are discussed with reference to classroom conflicts and how a teacher can best utilise these strategies to build a peaceful classroom. Teacher’s skills and styles for dealing with conflicts are also discussed. A motivating, collaborative and peaceful learning environment is created when the conflicts are effectively dealt and resolved.

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