Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume 7 | Issue 2

Role of Women in Countering Violent Extremism– The Case of Kwale County, Kenya

Rehema Zaid Obuyi


Involvement and participation of women in social development has been a core- focus among practioners globally partly because of their innate potential in influencing change but also the significant multi-dimensional roles they undertake from the family to community spheres. In this recognition, there have been a lot of efforts towards setting enabling policies as well as granting them the relevant space. The foregone notwithstanding, significant barriers come their way inhibiting profusely the role they are expected to play. Like any other social-development fields, Preventing/ Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) is affected by the above on an equal measure. When women are provided with the enabling environment to participate in P/CVE initiatives, the achievements can be enormous. This paper cross examines the global, regional, national and specific (Kwale) county in Kenya VE perspective in terms of policy availability and functionality, religion and culture as well as civil society organizations (CSO) community and their influence for or against women involvement in P/CVE.

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