P.' s Articles

Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A Diagnostic Boon in Dentistry Coming Soon
Ligature (Pre Adjusted Edge-wise Appliances) Making Simplified in Orthodontics: Education Pearls 10.5958/2394-4196.2014.00003.X
Marketing costs and Price Spread Analysis for Citrus in Samba district of Jammu region 10.5958/2394-8159.2015.00007.9
Cost Structure and Magnitude of Profit in Wheat Cultivation 10.5958/2394-8159.2016.00001.3
Biology of mirid bug, Creontiades biseratense (Hemiptera: Miridae) Coming Soon
In vitro morphogenesis studies in gerbera jamesonii bolus ex hooker F. Coming Soon
MTech-Information Science and Technology (IST): Possibilities and challenges with proposed Five Year Integrated model for building Technology vis-à-vis Society 10.5958/2454-9533.2017.00006.0
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Hybrid Rice Cultivation in Jammu District 000
Analyzing Employee Absenteeism in Agricultural Financial Institution 10.30954/2394-8159.01.2019.6
Capital Investment Structure of Broiler Production Units in Kathua District of J&K State 10.30954/2394-8159.01.2019.7
Information Assurance: Education at Doctoral Level—An International Look 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2019.1
Agro Informatics Vis-à-Vis Internet of Things (IoT) Integration & Potentialities—An Analysis 10.30954/2394-8159.01.2020.2
Agricultural Data Science as a Potential Field and Promoting Agricultural Activities & Sustainable Agriculture 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2020.1
Editorial Note:Information Sciences: Field of Information, IT Applications towards Digital & Knowledge Society NA
Researches in IT and Computing—An Overview 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2021.1
Maize Productivity, Economic Returns and Phosphorus Use Efficiency as Influenced by Lime, Minjingu Rock Phosphate and NPK Inorganic Fertilizer 10.30954/2347-9655.01.2021.7
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Agribusiness Start-ups: Case of Jammu City 10.30954/2394-8159.01.2021.7
Variability and Market Integration of Fenugreek Prices in Rajasthan 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2021.1
Emergence of Blockchain Technologies in Digital Healthcare—A Short Review 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2021.2
Role of Minjingu Rock Phosphate and Nitrogen Fertilizer in Improving Phosphorus and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Maize: A Kenyan Case Study 10.30954/2347-9655.01.2022.2
Economic Analysis of Marketing Channels of Kharif Vs Rabi Onion in Ahmednagr District 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2022.2
Role of Agriculture in Socio-economic Development: A case study of Mid Hills, Sub Humid Zone of Himachal Pradesh 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2022.3
Studies on Skewness and Kurtosis of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Germplasm for Yield and its Contributing Traits 10.30954/2347-9655.02.2022.7
Edge Computing & Educational Systems: Towards Advanced and Intelligent Learning—A Conceptual Overview 10.30954/2348-7437.1.2022.2
Growth and Instability of Major Kharif Pulse crops in Madhya Pradesh State of India 10.30954/2394-8159.04.2022.3
Determinants of Prices of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) in High Altitude and Tribal (HAT) Zone of Andhra Pradesh 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2023.4
Women Empowerment in Rural-Urban Interface of Bengaluru: An Approach through Supply Chain Management 10.30954/2394-8159.03.2023.6
Comparative Analysis of Biochar with Co-composting of Organic Manure 10.30954/2347-9655.02.2023.7
Socio-economic Study of Out Migration in Hills of Uttarakhand 10.30954/2394-8159.04.2023.1
Big Data in Promotion of Educational Development & Digital Education—A Scientific Study 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2022.2
Most Probable Number Bioassays and Trap Culture Techniques are Promising in Estimating Quantitative and Qualitative Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 10.30954/2347-9655.01.2024.1

AgroEcoomist-An International Journal In Association with AAEBM