Year: 2023 | Month: December | Volume 10 | Issue 4

Socio-economic Study of Out Migration in Hills of Uttarakhand

Vaishnava P. Tripathi A.K. Chaudhary S. and Shukla A.N


The study has conducted in Uttarakhand to examine the status of the determinants driving the existing process
of migration and to determine the effect of the determinants in the labour out migration. The human movement
either individual or in group from one place to another across an international border or within a state is termed
as migration. There are 13 district in Uttarakhand and devided in hills and plains. Secondary data wee collected
from the various government published and unpublished record Labour force participation rate was higher in
hill district while unemployment rate was comparatively higher in plain district. Unemployment rate, functional
facilities per 100 km sq., domestic composite index of socio-economic infrastructure development and category
of district (dummy variable) are found significant while. Hill districts have higher adult literacy rate than plains.
Higher facilitities in per unit area, infrastructure and district domestic product are more than the plain districts.

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