Year: 2023 | Month: September | Volume 10 | Issue 3
Factors Affecting Consumption Expenditure of Farmers in Jaipur District of Rajasthan
Sonu Kumar Mehta
Shirish Sharma and Sourabh Dadhich
The present study was undertaken for impact of alternate income sources on consumption expenditure of farmers in Jaipur district of Rajasthan. Jaipur district of Rajasthan was purposively selected based on Jaipur is the capital
of Rajasthan, Jaipur has highest population. Twenty-five farmers were selected randomly in each category.
Thus, a total number of selected farmers were hundred. The influence of these factors on food consumption
expenditure (FCE), non-food consumption expenditure (NFCE) and total consumption expenditure (CE) across
farm households was assessed using the quantile regression analysis. The results of quantile regression revealed that in study area NFA income, Income from farming, AA and NFA, family size and land holding size were the major contributing factor for 75th CE, while for the family 50th and 25th CE, the AA income, Income from farming, An additional member in the family, total CE increased by ` 1648.59, ` 2189.39 and ` 2852.82 for 25th, 50th and 75th quantiles, respectively.
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