Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 10 | Issue 1

Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes Suitable for Terminal Heat Stress

Md. Monwar Hossain Akbar Hossain Md. Ashraful Alam Md. Zaherul Islam Sagar Maitra


Rising temperature and consequent variations in climate unfavorable affect plant growth and development and catastrophic result loss of wheat productivity. In temperature for each degree increase, wheat production decrease by 6% is estimated. Responses of wheat to stress of heat morphophysiological may help formulating appropriate strategies for heat-stressed to improvement of wheat yield. Additionally, examining for probable management technique may raise productivity and sustainability of growing
wheat. The main findings from this observation causes of heat stress significantly decrease seed germination and seedling growth, cell turgidity, and plant water-use ability, at a cellular level, stress of heat disarrange cellular functions by generating more reactive oxygen species, leading to oxidative stress; wheat main response to heat stress include the raise of leaf senescence decrease of photosynthesis, deactivation of photosynthetic enzymes, and increase of oxidative harm to the chloroplasts; heat stress also decrease number of grain and size by affecting grain setting, include translocation and duration and growth rate of grains; a well-mobilized genetic and agronomic management option may improve wheat tolerance to heat. However, all the genotypes were affected adversely due to delayed sowings, It has been stated that wheat has adaptive effiicient to be cultivated in warm-dry tropical weather with irrigation and particular genotypes may be used for a breeding program of wheat with stress of abiotic tolerance. The nursery was consisted of 27 elite genotypes of wheat. It was grown under late sowing condition. Considering yield and other yield contributing characters along with different morphophysiological traits, five genotypes, viz., E-16, E-20, E-23, E-25 and E-27 were selected for further evaluation.

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