Year: 2022 | Month: June | 9 | 2
Economic Analysis of Arrivals and Prices of Paddy in Gadchiroli District of Maharashtra
The study was undertaken to examine the pattern of price behavior between market arrivals and prices in selected markets. This study is based on the secondary data of 15 years from 2005-06 to 2019-20, collected from two APMC, APMC Gadchiroli and APMC Chamorshi, in Gadchiroli district. For the analysis, the exponential data types of the equation were used, and the trends in arrivals and prices were calculated. During the study period, in Chamorshi market, arrival was highest in January and the lowest in August. Gadchiroli market observed maximum arrival in January whereas the lowest arrival in August. In terms of prices, Chamorshi market witnessed a maximum price per quintal in July whereas a minimum price per quintal in March. Gadchiroli market recorded the highest price per quintal of Paddy in September and the lowest price per quintal in March. Chamorshi and Gadchiroli markets witnessed a negative growth rate during the study period regarding arrivals. In terms of prices, in Chamorshi market, a positive compound growth rate was observed, while Gadchiroli market observed a comparatively higher compound growth rate which was statistically significant.
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