Year: 2022 | Month: June | 9 | 2
Analysis the Producer’s Share in Consumer’s Rupees and Price Spread of Selected Vegetable and Spice Crops in West Bengal
Bappa Paramanik
Ganesh Das
Debraj Saha
Animesh Mandal
India is the leading producer of vegetable and spice crops in the world. The vegetables and spices sectors are known for high productivity, higher returns, higher value addition prospects, scope for employment generation, opportunities for exports, and adaptability to diverse climatic conditions. But it was found from the different studies that the producers’ share in consumers’ rupee is comparatively lower for vegetables and spice crops. Keeping these points in view, the present study was conducted to analyze the producers’ share in consumers’ rupees and the price spread of some selected vegetable and spice crops of Dakshin Dinajpur Districts of West Bengal during 2019-2020. A descriptive research design was used, and a simple random sampling technique was followed to select the sample respondent. It is found from the study that producers’ share in consumers’ rupees of Potato was 41.59% to 60.00%, Cabbage was 26.76% to 45.93%, Cauliflower 31.11% to 71.43%, Ginger, 39.41% to 59.94%, Garlic 50.00% to 81.25%. Price spread was highest in the case of garlic followed by Ginger, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Potato.
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