Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume 5 | Issue 2
Economics and Impact of FLD on Broccoli Yield at Farmers Filed of Aizawl District Mizoram
Santosh Kumar1*
Jotish Nongthombam1
K.P. Chaudhary1
Om Prakash2 and Jyoti Swaroop3
The Present study was carried out by Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Aizawl district during Rabi season of 2016-17 and 2017-18. Frontline demonstrations were conducted on broccoli in 16 ha by the active participation of 30 farmers with the objective of expand improved technologies of broccoli. The improved technologies included use of introduction of high yielding variety Solan Green Head, Integrated nutrient with IIHR Arka Special, gravity type rain-port micro sprinkler system, mulching, weed management, integrated pest and disease management. The results of demonstration showed that farmers could increase the broccoli productivity notably by switching over to improved variety and adoption of good agriculture practices. The demonstrated recorded an average yield ranging from 15100– 16300 kg/ha with a mean of 15700 kg/ha. The per cent increase in demonstration yield over the farmers’ practice during 2016-17 and 2017-18 was 19.20% and 23.31% respectively. The extension gap was 3200- 3800 kg/ha, whereas the technology gap was 2900- 1700 kg/ha. The technology index was 16.11- 9.44% during the period under study. The demonstrated field gave higher mean gross return (` 471000 /ha) and mean net returns (` 347500 /ha) with average benefit cost ratio of 2.81 compared to benefit cost ratio of 2.44 under local checks. The results highlighted the fact that yield and economics of broccoli can be enhanced by the adoption of recommended technology.
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