Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume 5 | Issue 1

Dental Perspective on Biomedical Waste and Management, a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey: A Cross-sectional Study

K. Srinivasan


Background: The biomedical waste is known as the second dangerous waste in the world that needs to be properly managed. Since the implementation of the Biomedical Waste Management Rules 1998, every concerned health personnel is expected to have proper knowledge, practice, and capacity to guide others for waste collection and management, and proper handling techniques. Objective: This study was planned to evaluate the practical calibration and awareness of dental surgeons in the disposal of hazardous biomedical
waste generated during dental treatment into color-coded disposing bags at a dental clinic. Materials and Methods: A crosssectional, a pretested, semi-structured, and questionnaire-based survey contain 53 questions to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice on biomedical waste management among dental surgeons. Results were expressed as a number and percentage of respondents for each question, and Chi-square test was performed for inferential statistical analysis with P = 0.05 indicating level of significance. Results: Results show that a large percentage of the dentist was not aware of the process of biomedical waste management (89%), whereas about half of the subjects were moderate to slightly aware about the recycling/reusing of dental materials. Conclusion: The study revealed that knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding biomedical waste management were low. Periodical sensitization and training program should be conducted for health care providers.

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