Year: 2017 | Month: June | Volume 4 | Issue 1

Brown Manuring, an Effective Technique for Yield Sustainability and Weed Management of Cereal Crops: A Review

Sagar Maitra* and A. Zaman


The efficient nutrient management is essential to achieve crop yield sustainability. Integration of all possible sources of nutrients can only fulfill the requirement of crops and wherein yield sustainability can be ascertained. Organic manures can play in important role in this direction. But these manures are bulky in nature and low in nutrient content, hence the substitution is highly required. Green manure, another possible option of providing nutrients to crops from organic sources, but it has got some limitations as it is practiced in mainly rice crop that requires a period of about 45-60 days from seeding to decomposition with proper temperature and optimum moisture conditions after incorporation. The viable option left behind that is brown manuring as a tool for integrated nutrient management. Brown manuring is capable of supplying all nutrients to the crops which is also considered beneficial for weed management as well as improving soil properties.

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