Year: 2015 | Month: June | Volume 2 | Issue 1
A Study of Risk Factors Associated with Crop Shift in District Hamirpur of Uttar Pradesh
Sarju Narain and Sudhir Kumar Rawat
Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh characterized as semi arid climate, undulating topography, residual and low depth of soil with annual rainfall of 800 mm and well suited for rabi pulses while farmers of this region prefer to grow wheat crops from last few years. The increasing preference regarding growing area of wheat reduces the area and production of pulses. Several factors are working behind this changing scenario. On this background a study related to risk factors associated to area shift from pulses to wheat in Hamirpur district was plan. The samples were collected from four blocks and 200 respondents were randomly identified for the same. The findings of study show that the risk involved in pulse production too much as compare to wheat in this district. Several biotic and abiotic stresses as perceived by farmers showed that rabi crops may be damage up to 71 percent from biotic stress as compare to 96% from abiotic stress. Among all main rabi crops grown in the district Hamirpur wheat was less affected form biotic and abiotic stresses and this was the main cause of area shift from rabi pulses to wheat.
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