Year: 2015 | Month: June | Volume 2 | Issue 2

Alveolar Bone Changes in Post-menopausal Osteopenic and Osteoporosis Women: An Original Research

Majumder M I Harun M A S I


Osteoporosis is imposing public health burden especially in postmenopausal women and elderly population. It is leading cause of morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal women. Among multiple modalities of osteoporosis diagnosis, bone mineral density (BMD) is considered as a gold standard by WHO. Aim: Evaluate the alveolar bone changes in osteopenic and osteoporosis condition of postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: Totally 1315 postmenopausal women were included in this study. All patients were evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for BMD and dental radiograph such as orthopantomography and radiovesiography. Among those women 72 were normal, 276 were osteopenic and 967 were osteoporotic. Mandibular cortical index (MCI), pixel intensity (PI), mandibular alveolar bone mass (MABM), and Alveolar bone resorption pattern (ABRP) were evaluated from the dental radiograph. Calculation of mean and standard
deviation, as well as correlation and difference, were performed using SPSS 11.5 for Windows (Windows XP). Results: The changes in the MCI (C2 and C3) were more in osteoporotic condition (87.48%) rather than osteopenic (31.34%) and normal (12.50%). The numbers of presenting teeth were more in normal and osteopenic women rather than osteoporotic women. PI and MABM were significantly different from normal vs. osteopenic and osteoporosis, osteopenic versus osteoporosis. Horizontal ABRP was more in osteoporosis women (91.21%). Conclusion: Changes in postmenopausal alveolar bone were strongly correlated with the BMD of systemic skeletal bone. This combined relationship can be used as an easy diagnosis tool for innovations in osteoporotic condition.

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