Prabu' s Articles

Determination of Transplanting Time of the Capsicum Seedlings for Yield and Profit Maximization 10.5958/2454-9541.2015.00001.8
Assessment of Ideal Crop Geometry for Yield Improvement of French Bean during Rabi Season under Irrigated Medium Land Situation of Birbhum District 10.5958/2394-8159.2015.00009.2
Guiding Role to be played by the Indian Agricultural Extension Agencies to Bridge the Gaps in Fertilizer Application in India 10.5958/2454-9541.2017.00004.4
Constraints Faced by the Field Veterinarians in Livestock Insurance Scheme under National Livestock Mission 10.30954/2394-8159.04.2022.1
Constraints Faced by the Field Veterinarians in Livestock Insurance Scheme under National Livestock Mission 10.30954/2394-8159.03.2023.14

AgroEcoomist-An International Journal In Association with AAEBM