Agro-Economist is an international, referred journal which aims at providing an outlook to the economic feasibility of academic, research and extension activities in the field of agricultural and allied sciences. It also covers the broad aspects of general economics which directly or indirectly affects the agricultural sector. The main objective of the journal is to provide understandings to all those who are involved in agricultural sector about the economics of new research advancements and technologies in the field of agriculture. It publishes research articles, project reports, case studies including success stories and review articles that can reveal the process of improvement in agricultural economy of the stakeholders. It is an interdisciplinary journal which includes research topics under following broad headings:
Agricultural Production Economics and Farm Management
Macro and Micro Economics
Agricultural Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Entrepreneurship and Small business management
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Agricultural Finance, Cooperation and Project Management
Economics of Agricultural Mechanization
Economics of Diseases and Pest Management