Agro-Economist is an International, referred research journal published twice a year by AAEBM Non Profit Organization, India. It publishes the research articles and case studies in the field of agricultural economics and broadly covers all fields of agricultural sciences with Economic aspect attached to them. Papers must be based on theoretical/empirical research, practical experience/success stories and comparative economic analysis of existing and new technologies, schemes and methodology, etc. in the field of agriculture. 

Agro Economist is now included in NAAS: 4.03

All the authors are requested to check the originality of their articles before submitting it to AE. In case, any article is found to be Duplicate submission, fabricated data, cut and paste (Plagiarized), at ANY STAGE of processing of your article, the following actions will be taken:

AgroEcoomist-An International Journal In Association with AAEBM