Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume 7 | Issue 1
Socio-economic Impact of NABARD Supported Watershed Development in Amravati District
Archana O. Tripathi
D.V. Jahagirdar
Anurag V. Tiwari
The attempt was made to study the nature and evaluate the impact of NABARD supported watershed development fund programme. Water is the scare resource and major portion of the world is facing the consequences of water scarcity. There is the urgent need for the conservation and effective management of the water. The watershed development programme is the solution to overcome the problem. The NHWDP a scheme for Vidarbha region of Maharashtra has been taken into consideration. The study concludes that programme is the effective tool for the overall development of the rural area. It is designed for the overall development of the selected area. Both male and female are provided with the opportunity to participate in the programme. People belonging to all age group participate in the programme. The education has positive impact on the adaptation of the programme and also the programme leads to the significant rise in the literacy status of the beneficiaries. The major constraints observed during the study are lack of awareness, literacy and political issues, groupism prevelant in the villages.
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